How to choose a research topic

How to choose a research topic
How to choose a research topic

Video: How to choose Research Topic | Crack the Secret Code 2024, July

Video: How to choose Research Topic | Crack the Secret Code 2024, July

The choice of the research topic compared to the study itself takes very little time, which does not negate the significance of this stage of the work. After all, only if the relevant topic is found, scientific research makes sense.

Instruction manual


As a rule, educational institutions keep lists of sample topics for research. They are compiled by teachers and updated every 2-3 years. You can choose your favorite topic from the list.


Since they are fairly standard and probably have already been used more than once by your predecessors, think about whether you can make a tangible contribution to the study of the issue. Review already written works and choose a new approach to highlight the problem. When defending a research paper, they will ask you if you offered your point of view when studying a standard question and if you could come to new conclusions.


To move away from the template, you can slightly modify the topic from the proposed list. Correct it in accordance with the changed situation in this area, offer an angle for analysis, which is relevant at this time and was not taken into account 2-3 years ago.


Finally, you can consider exactly the area of ​​the issue that is of interest to you, and do not take into account the rest. At the same time, it is important that the topic does not lose its practical significance and novelty.


If you know approximately what area of ​​science you are interested in, but cannot formulate a specific topic, read the main works on this issue. Each of them will name topics that are not developed due to their complexity or for other reasons. You can make such a “white spot” in science the subject of your research work. Unconditional novelty will be a plus, but at the same time you will need confidence in your abilities and the sufficiency of a theoretical base.


Suggest to the supervisor a topic that was not mentioned anywhere and was invented by you personally. With this approach, it is important that it does not turn out to be long studied (it is worth looking at the base of work), that there is a sufficient amount of theoretical material, and the topic has practical significance.


Finally, in choosing the direction of research, one can start from practice. Perhaps you have already managed to work by profession and are faced with a problem of a purely practical nature. Such topics are valued especially highly, as they are most of all connected with reality.