How to learn English in a short time

How to learn English in a short time
How to learn English in a short time

Video: The easiest way to learn English 2024, July

Video: The easiest way to learn English 2024, July

Learning English can take several years, but if necessary, it is quite possible to learn it in a short time. The main thing is to systematize the learning process, devote several hours daily to English.

Instruction manual


Sign up for language courses, when enrolling in courses, make sure that your entry level is correctly determined - for this you must pass detailed tests. Choose courses depending on your financial capabilities, duration of study, proximity to work / study / home. If you are more comfortable studying alone with a teacher - use the services of a tutor, he will correct all your shortcomings, as well as adjust the learning process depending on your goals and level.


Watch TV and / or movies in English. For starters, series are suitable, try to watch video with subtitles, first Russian, then English - this will help to better navigate when perceiving audio information. Listen to audio books, start with simple dialogs for language learners.


Read in English, start with entertainment sites, jokes, then go on to reading classical literature. Write out all the unfamiliar words in a special notebook / notebook, try to remember them. Learn at least 20-30 words a day.


Communicate in English - find a conversation club in your city where language learners come to practice. The best option would be to communicate with a native speaker - if there are no foreigners among your acquaintances, register on social networks and try to find English-speaking interlocutors.


Write on different topics in English, start an English-language blog, after a while re-read what you wrote, pretty quickly you will begin to notice and correct errors in your texts.


Use online resources to learn English, such as,, etc. On such sites, there are many tests that show spaces in your English. Visit specialized forums, ask questions that are of interest to more experienced participants.