How to conduct a psychology training

How to conduct a psychology training
How to conduct a psychology training

Video: How to Conduct a Mental Health Assessment and Intake : Role Play Part 1 2024, July

Video: How to Conduct a Mental Health Assessment and Intake : Role Play Part 1 2024, July

The need for the first time to conduct a training with a school psychologist may arise unexpectedly, for example, at the request of the director. A novice specialist is not always ready for the task. And the way out of this situation will not be copying other people's developments, but the preparation and conduct of their own training in psychology.

Instruction manual


Define the topic and goals of the training. Form them from the request given to you by the leader. For example, rallying a disparate school or class team into a team or avoiding “emotional burnout” among educators. Take into account your own interests, as without personal interest, training can be boring. Make a list of the training group. Optimally, if it enters from 5 to 15 people. Plan the number of classes and their duration.


Formulate the task of the training. For example, based on the first goal, the task may be to help create constructive relationships and the ability to interact. Pick the right psychological techniques. It is better if you develop the exercises yourself, but you can use well-known psychotechnics. Choose such exercises so that their focus is different - on physical activity, verbal or figurative. Write the final training scenario and plans for different days of the lesson.


Work on yourself. The success of the training directly depends on how well the trainer is able to convey verbal and non-verbal information to the students. Practice facial expressions, portraying in front of the mirror surprise, joy, interest, fear, etc. Work with the speaker system of non-verbal means - the timbre of the voice, the pace of speech, volume and pitch of the voice. Learn how to highlight key points with their help. Learn to keep eye contact with each participant or with subgroups of 3-5 people. Going to the training, pay attention to the little things. Appearance should be neat and tidy.


In the first lesson, form the group rules. Communication on the principle of "here and now" does not allow consideration of the problems of the past and the future. Keep track of the activity of all members of the group and the personification of the statements - everyone should express only their opinion. Training participants should focus on emotional states and feedback. To do this, you need to restructure communication and begin to adequately talk about your feelings.


Create a confidential atmosphere. To do this, announce that communication in the group will be on “you” and everyone should only speak the truth. Tell the students about the principle of confidentiality of trainings, the essence of which is that what is happening in the lesson is not carried anywhere and remains only between the participants.


Finish reflexion classes. Each participant must speak out about what he has acquired, learned or understood on this day. In the next lesson, ask students to tell them what happened to them in a new, interesting, or funny way. Encourage the participants' desire to improve, analyze their actions, maintain optimism in them.


In the last lesson, warn the participants that you should refrain from committing rash acts that may appear in the wake of inspiration after the training. About a month, you do not need to get married, change school or work, move, etc.