How do distance learning exams go?

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How do distance learning exams go?
How do distance learning exams go?

Recently, more and more educational institutions are appearing that provide the opportunity to receive an education without leaving home. This type of training saves time, which is especially important for working people.

What is distance learning

Currently, you can remotely receive education both in school and in secondary or higher professional institutions. After graduation, a certificate or diploma is issued. By distance learning is meant the passage of the program remotely.

To get an education in this way, you need a computer with Internet access. At the moment, not all educational institutions provide this opportunity, so you need to choose the option suitable for yourself and conclude an appropriate agreement with them.

Usually, to start training, you need to undergo testing or another way of checking existing knowledge. And then, legalize everything by submitting the necessary documents there - in some cases only with a personal presence, in others - you can send everything by mail, by which you will also receive your copy of the contract.

After all these procedures, you will receive registration data to enter your personal account, where you can see the entire curriculum, the results of knowledge tests (electronic diary or offset), and also have the opportunity to communicate with teachers and other students.

Depending on the educational institution, training can take place on their own, or when conducting video lessons. Free access to the electronic library is also provided.