What exams should be taken when entering a medical school

What exams should be taken when entering a medical school
What exams should be taken when entering a medical school

Video: How I Study For Exams in Medical School | 9 Day Plan 2024, July

Video: How I Study For Exams in Medical School | 9 Day Plan 2024, July

If you decide to connect your further profession with medicine and become a nurse or paramedic, you will have to go through entrance examinations at a school or college of the corresponding direction.

Upon admission to a medical school, applicants usually pass two exams: the Russian language (in writing) and biology (orally). At some faculties (laboratory diagnostics), chemistry is added to oral exams, and algebra is added to written exams.

If you enter after the ninth grade, enrollment will be conducted according to the results of the State Academic Examination (state final certification), if after 11th grade - according to the results of the Unified State Examination (unified state exam). In most medical schools, you can make a choice: whether you will take entrance exams or provide the results of the State Examination or the Unified State Examination.

The term of study in medical schools and colleges, as a rule, is after 9th grade - 3 years 10 months, after 11th grade - 2 years 10 months. Common faculties in such educational institutions are: "Nursing", "Obstetrics", "Paramedic", "Laboratory Diagnostics".

At medical schools, preparatory courses for graduates usually work. They vary in duration: from a month to six months, and focus on specific questions that will be offered at the entrance exams.

Keep in mind that the deadlines for submitting documents for admission to a medical school can be different for those applicants who choose to take entrance exams, and for those who are going to provide the results of the State Academic Examination or the Unified State Exam.

If you have submitted documents indicating the type of entrance exams: to provide the results of the State Academic Examination or the Unified State Examination, and they turned out to be lower than the passing score at the faculty, then repeated entrance examinations are usually not organized.

For certain categories of citizens: disabled children, orphans, children in the care of one disabled parent, participants and disabled combat operations, etc. there are special conditions for admission to medical schools, out of competition, subject to the successful completion of entrance examinations.

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