How to celebrate September 1

How to celebrate September 1
How to celebrate September 1

Video: (Eng sub)BTS VLIVE 1 Sep 2020: Jungkook birthday special 2024, July

Video: (Eng sub)BTS VLIVE 1 Sep 2020: Jungkook birthday special 2024, July

The first day at school is an important event for yesterday's kindergarten pupil. A new world opens before the child, in which many discoveries await him. The road to this world begins on September 1, and this day should be happy and memorable. It can become a real holiday, in which not only first-graders, but also older children will take part.

You will need

  • - a gift for the child;

  • - school supplies:

  • - A hall in a club, institution of additional education or a cafe;

  • - balls, ribbons and other design elements.

Instruction manual


Start preparing for the holiday in advance. Find out how the school is going to meet its new students. Usually a line is held, and there are no strict regulations now. The necessary elements of the school event are the construction, greeting of the director, senior students, parents, and local authorities. But on the school line can be theatricalization, and demonstrations of athletes and dancers. But everything should be subject to the idea of ​​a holiday. This day is the beginning of a journey to the land of knowledge.


Prepare gifts for your first graders. It should be something that is needed at school or just orienting the child to knowledge. Some accessories have already been presented to children at the graduation in kindergarten, in some regions kits for first graders are presented by regional or local authorities. Choose what has not yet been given. A book, a globe, a set of felt-tip pens, a disk with educational programs and didactic games - the choice of a modern person is quite large. It is very good if the tradition of giving the child something useful for the school will continue in the future.


Talk with the teacher and other parents if they want to organize a party other than the one at the school. Maybe you can arrange a celebration for the whole class. If not all parents want to, don't be upset. You can celebrate the beginning of the school year with a group of classmates of your son or daughter, with neighboring children, or even with your family.


Find out in the cultural institutions of your area if you can order a program there to mark the beginning of the school year. Now many houses of culture provide such services. In this case, you just have to collect and deposit money and, possibly, choose the design option.


The celebration can also be organized in the children's cafe. It is better to pay for the order in advance, having agreed with the owner what dishes will be on the tables. It hardly makes sense to order lunch with the first and second courses, but ice cream, juices, sweet desserts are very suitable. You will have to take care of the design yourself, but in this case it is quite simple. You can put bouquets of balls or fresh flowers on the tables, give each participant a souvenir of some kind.


Think over the program. It may include contests, quizzes, word and sedentary games. Moving can be held later on the street. Try to ensure that all game assignments are somehow related to learning. You can invite children to solve speed examples, recall the names of cities, animals and birds, play fairy-tale characters. If one of the parents has acting abilities, he can play the role of a fairy-tale character. It should be one that the kids could teach something like Dunno, Carlson, etc.

Useful advice

You can celebrate September 1 with your family. Prepare a festive dinner of those dishes that the hero of the occasion loves. Give a present. Organize a collective viewing of a popular science program or a suitable film about the school.