How to quickly learn English

How to quickly learn English
How to quickly learn English

Video: How to Learn English FASTER 2024, July

Video: How to Learn English FASTER 2024, July

Knowledge of English is almost a necessity in the modern world. He may be needed when applying for a job, and when entering a university. Of course, you will not master English perfectly in a month, but you can quickly raise your knowledge to a high level.

Instruction manual


The more interesting the learning process is for you, the faster you will achieve results. Therefore, to begin with, select those areas of English in which you would like to enhance your knowledge. Decide which form of training suits you best.


If you want to learn grammar and pronunciation, one-on-one tutoring is best for you. Staying alone with the teacher, you will be focused and quickly learn the necessary material. If you want to practice conversational English, enroll in a group for intensive language courses.


To quickly learn English, be sure to practice it daily. Watch movies in the original. Most modern players have a feature that allows you to turn off the Russian track and leave only the original sound. If you want to simultaneously tighten the grammar - download subtitles for the film. If you come across an unfamiliar word, stop viewing and look at its meaning in the dictionary.


Remembering foreign words quickly and interestingly will help you and reading books in English. You should not start with the tragedies of Shakespeare and the lyrics of Robert Burns. Your first books should be children's tales. At first, even they may seem difficult to you, but over time you will notice how easy it is for you to read. Do not ignore the English-language press. This useful habit will allow you not only to be aware of all the events taking place abroad, but also to understand the language of English journalism.


Repetition is the mother of learning. As soon as you have a free minute - in transport on the way home, in line, in a cafe waiting for a girlfriend - get notes and repeat the memorized words.


Make it a habit to translate small passages of texts every day. You will not only replenish your vocabulary in a rather short period of time, but also tighten the grammar.


If you have already reached an average level of English, you can arrange a trip to England or the United States for yourself. This method should not be used by beginners, since a sharp immersion in the English-speaking world can scare them, and they will not begin to communicate. For people with a basic vocabulary, such a trip is the fastest way to learn a foreign language.