How to determine the cardinal points on the map

How to determine the cardinal points on the map
How to determine the cardinal points on the map

Video: Best Cardinal Directions Video Interesting Hands-on Activity Idea for Teachers and Parents) 2024, July

Video: Best Cardinal Directions Video Interesting Hands-on Activity Idea for Teachers and Parents) 2024, July

The need to determine the cardinal points of the map is caused by the fact that compilers of maps, especially electronic ones, often neglect the need to indicate at least the main cardinal points. Therefore, if you are ill with the appropriate geography lesson at school, you have to think for a long time about where the north is on the map and where the south is.

You will need

- electronic or paper card.

Instruction manual


To locate the cardinal points on an electronic map, try rotating it. If the card does not rotate, but is fixed in one position, you can safely conclude that the north is at the top, the south is at the bottom, the east is on the right, and the west is on the left. If necessary, determine the minor cardinal points: northeast in the upper right corner of the screen, southeast in the lower right, northwest in the upper left and southwest in the lower left corner, respectively.


If the electronic map rotates (for example, on the navigators the map moves in accordance with the direction of movement), carefully inspect the screen. In one of the corners, for example, in the upper right (as in the example), there will be an indication of the direction of the cardinal points in the form of a long two-color rhombus. Remember, the north is always red. Accordingly, find the rest of the world, to do this, turn the map so that the north is on top. In this case, the south will be below, east to the right, and west to the left.


In order to determine the cardinal points on a paper map, turn it so that you can read the labels. At the same time, see that the inscriptions go from west to east, and the top of letters and numbers is at the top. Now you can safely say that the north is at the top, the south is at the bottom, the west is at the left, and the east is at the right.


Another way to determine the cardinal directions on a paper map: examine the entire perimeter of the map and somewhere in the corner find a four-pointed star. On each side there are letters: C or N (north), S or S (south), W or W (west), B or E (east). Define the direction of the world according to these directions.


If it comes to an old handwritten map, keep in mind that earlier cartographers were oriented south. To determine the cardinal points from such a map, it is necessary to find the star designation with the English letters S, N, W, E, which corresponds to the first letters of the names of the cardinal points in English - South (south), North (north), West (west), East (East). If there are no signs, find the described land on the modern map and check the direction of the cardinal points.