How to get a test

How to get a test
How to get a test

Video: How to Get a Perfect on ANY Test 2024, July

Video: How to Get a Perfect on ANY Test 2024, July

A constant companion of any student is a test. Another “negligence” and the need to refine the submitted material can cause a lot of emotions. Properly execute the test - this is half the success.

You will need

  • - the text of the executed test work;

  • - computer or ballpoint pen and notebook

Instruction manual


Start filling out your test paper from the cover page. On it you must indicate: on top - the name of the educational institution, the department to which you will hand over the work; in the center - the subject on which the work is done, the theme of the work; bottom right corner - who completed the work (student of which course, which faculty; last name, first name, middle name). Perhaps a different arrangement of information on the title page - depending on the requirements of your school.


Proceed to the table of contents. It should contain the following items - introduction, main part, conclusion, list of used literature, appendix. In the main part of your work, it is recommended to allocate 3-4 large sections, which, in turn, are divided into several subsections. Name each section and subsection, number and write in the table of contents with page numbers.


Next, write the main text of the work. If you are typing on a computer, select 12 or 14 font numbers with single line spacing. Start each new part with a bold title. Do not forget to number the pages and make footnotes. Footnotes can be inserted at the end of each page (after a long horizontal line) or at the end of the entire work.


Make a list of used literature. Enter in alphabetical order all the sources with which you worked when writing the control. Books and monographs are made out as follows: author, title of the book, place of publication, publishing house, year of publication; articles from periodicals are slightly different: author, article title // name of periodical, year, number.


If your work contains applications, then title them, number and paste each application on a separate page. Applications can be diagrams, maps, statistical calculations, figures and other documents that allow you to illustrate or most fully reveal the theme of your test.


Avoid too long bibliographies; they may cause suspicion. Designate only those sources that you actually used. For control work, 5-7 sources are enough.

Useful advice

Introduction is the key to everything; it is a presentation of your test. A well-written and formal introduction often allows you to be less picky about the main text of the work. After all, teachers are busy people, and many of them read only the introduction and, on the basis of this, form an opinion about all the test work.

  • execution of control work
  • Requirements for the preparation of control, abstracts, reports on