How to enter the institute for journalism

How to enter the institute for journalism
How to enter the institute for journalism

Video: My top 5 tips for Journalism Majors! 2024, July

Video: My top 5 tips for Journalism Majors! 2024, July

Not universally demanded and not respected by all, the specialty of a journalist still remains popular. Someone leads to her desire to make the world a better place; others are attracted by the gloss of secular society. One way or another, many begin with the faculty of journalism.

Instruction manual


Choose a university

The faculty of journalism in all universities is usually in demand. Even the commercial branches, not to mention the budget ones, are far from all comers. Therefore, if you nevertheless chose this path for yourself, pay attention to preparation. First of all, choose a university and find out what its requirements are for applicants for journalism. Information about the competition for a specialty in previous years will not be superfluous. This will allow you to really appreciate your own chances.


Find out the requirements

In the capital and major cities, the competition for journalism is always big. However, as the journalists themselves say, this does not always mean the quality of education. Therefore, study the curriculum, find information about the teachers. Perhaps you are comfortable with an institute in a small town. Having made a choice, find out what exams you have to pass. As a rule, this is the Russian language and literature, but there can also be foreign languages ​​and social studies. Begin preparing for these subjects six months to a year before the start of the selection committee.


Prepare for exams

A journalist is, first of all, a practitioner. And the ability to practice in future students is tested before admission. In most universities, in addition to standard examinations in the form of the exam, applicants pass another test - a creative competition. Each institution has its own rules for passing it, and you need to know them. But usually everywhere they require a creative folder, or portfolio. In it you should present your publications in the media, the results of scientific activities, available diplomas and decals. In addition, in a creative competition may include interviews, writing material "in real time" or other creative assignment.


Be a journalist

Make sure that your creative folder is not empty, as in some cases it can play a decisive role. High school students participate in the creation of wall newspapers, which is also taken into account. Contact the editorial office of a local newspaper known to you to be given a task. You will not only be able to publish your materials, but also “taste” the chosen profession. As a rule, they do not pay for such publications, but you will get invaluable experience.