How to mark a diploma

How to mark a diploma
How to mark a diploma

Video: 3-4-5 Method 2024, July

Video: 3-4-5 Method 2024, July

Five years of study at the university came to an end, the solemn day of issuing diplomas came. But I just don't want to part with my fellow students. To put a bright spot on your student life, mark your diploma noisy and fun.

You will need

  • - gifts for teachers;

  • - products for a solemn feast.

Instruction manual


Discuss with your classmates how they would like to celebrate graduation. There may be several options, choose the one that is most suitable for your group. On the day of delivery of documents on education, hold a solemn feast at the university itself. Arrange at your department where this can be done. Most often, one of the classrooms is entrusted to graduates for a feast.


Invite your teachers to the festival. Soon you will part for a long time, you will encounter only at general professional events and conferences. Therefore, try to communicate with those people who have taught you the past few years. Take care of gifts for teachers. You can pick up a souvenir for everyone or hand in certificates for going to a store, so the person presented can choose the right thing for himself.


After the feast, go with the group for a walk around the city. Agree in advance with a professional photographer about the photo shoot. Take beautiful general photographs so that the memory of friends and comrades with whom you took tests and exams, sit in pairs and dine in the student canteen remains. A photo session can be done in advance, and on the day of graduation, give classmates beautifully designed photo albums as a keepsake.


Go to a nightclub in the evening to have a great time at your last student party. Some nightclubs have VIP lounges. You can rent one such room so that no one bothers you. In it, you can have a bite to eat, and celebrate the transition of the title "student" to "specialist" with a glass of champagne, and dance. Mark your diploma so that this day will be remembered for a long time, because students are the most fun and carefree time in your youth.