How to successfully pass the session

How to successfully pass the session
How to successfully pass the session

Video: Training Session for Midfielders - How to get better at passing and turning | FDB Soccer 2024, July

Video: Training Session for Midfielders - How to get better at passing and turning | FDB Soccer 2024, July

The session is an integral part of student life, but in most cases for some reason comes unexpectedly. However, even if you went to the university during the semester to just get lunch at the buffet, you can still survive this terrible time.

Instruction manual


To get started, find out if you have access to exams and tests. To do this, you must have passed control, protected laboratory work, completed the necessary projects. Ask the teacher when he has a free pair, and try to hand over the missing work as soon as possible and get admission. If you really understand the subject, the teacher will reproach you for sloppiness and allow you to attend the exam.


If you, having realized how much you have to do, start to panic, draw up a work plan that you will strictly follow. It should include both time for classes, and time for sleep and eating, which during the session you will be very limited.


It is assumed that in the last days before the exam, you do not cram, but repeat the material learned during the semester. In fact, some students only at this time for the first time pick up a textbook. In both cases, you should eliminate all objects around you that may distract you - a TV, mobile phone, game console. If you need a computer to work, use a separate browser, where you do not have automatically opening entertainment sites and social networks.


Visit the consultation. On them you can find out the answers to your questions, as well as remember information that will certainly come in handy for you at the upcoming exam.


"Full belly to learning is deaf." Do not overeat, get involved in fatty and floury foods during preparation for the session. Better opt for yogurts, cookies, fresh vegetables and fruits.


Decide in advance what result you want to get on the exam. Perhaps a quartet is enough for you in some subject, but a five is required on another. This means that it takes a different amount of effort to prepare for these subjects in order to spend their resources more rationally.


Arriving at the exam, try to enter the audience among the first students. The erroneous statement that by the end of the exam the teacher gets tired and listens to the student in half. Rather, on the contrary, he will throw out the accumulated irritation on you. When answering the ticket, create the impression of a person who is interested in the subject. In this case, even if you do not know part of the material, the teacher will help you and put a high mark.

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