How to conduct a parent meeting

How to conduct a parent meeting
How to conduct a parent meeting

Video: Parent Teacher Conference Video- Tips for Productive & Positive Conferences 2024, July

Video: Parent Teacher Conference Video- Tips for Productive & Positive Conferences 2024, July

The class teacher can organize interactions with parents through an individual conversation and parent meeting. When conducting a general event, it is necessary to choose a topic relevant to your class, select informative content, and observe the rules of communication. Be careful, considerate, convincing.

Instruction manual


Between meetings, communicate with children, with parents, and analyze classroom situations, conflicts, and problems. All this will help you choose the right topic for your parent meeting.


Build communication with parents on trusting, partnership principles, because you have one goal - the upbringing of a harmoniously developed personality. If the teacher chooses an edifying, moralizing tone, the position of the "main", then fruitful communication will not work.


After choosing a topic, determine the form of the meeting. It is not necessary to maintain the format of a classic meeting. You can arrange round tables, oral magazines, information desk, "listen to the children." Remember that the task of the teacher is to enrich the parents of your students with pedagogical knowledge. The meeting should be interesting, memorable, end with positive notes.


Be sure to prepare the theoretical part: read the pedagogical literature on the chosen topic, prepare short memos, excerpts, interesting statements, quotes.


Follow the rules: the meeting should last no more than 1 hour, and the information presentation should be no more than 15-20 minutes. Further, the attention of parents is reduced, and many will stop listening to you.


Avoid orders and orders. Try not to use words like "do, do, do not, " etc. Such phrases are annoying. Communication will be unproductive, inefficient.


Try to hear your parents, understand their problems, understand the non-verbal language of messages, respond adequately to it. Give everyone the opportunity to speak, talk about feelings and experiences. Dialogue is a step towards interaction, towards mutual understanding. It gives rise to a new meaning of the meeting - communication partners. Only in the dialogue does the movement of thought occur, the educational effect is achieved.


Speaking about children, choose mostly positive information. If necessary, pay attention to common problems, speak at the meeting about all students without giving specific names. For each individual student, talk only in private with his parents.


Take time to answer the questions. If there is a conflict with other teachers, then try to arrange a meeting of the conflicting parties, help find the right words and ways out of this situation.

how to behave in a parent meeting