How to improve handwriting

How to improve handwriting
How to improve handwriting

Video: How to Improve Your Handwriting 2024, July

Video: How to Improve Your Handwriting 2024, July

Progress, as you know, does not stand still and every year there are more and more devices designed to simplify the life of people as much as possible. These devices include computers. With their help, people print a huge number of texts, gradually weaning from writing them manually. As a result, the handwriting is badly damaged and you need to work hard to improve it or restore its former beauty.

You will need

  • - handwritten texts of famous writers;

  • - Computer Word editor;

  • - clean notebook;

  • - felt-tip pen / pen / simple pencil.

Instruction manual


To begin, think about how you would like to see your handwriting. Explore various computer fonts and handwritten texts by famous writers. Pay attention to the writing features, the elegance of the handwriting of people who lived in a time when there were no typewriters or computers, and each letter was written by hand.


Get a special exercise book and choose the most convenient means for writing. It can be a felt-tip pen, a pen with a thin or thick core, a simple pencil. Even if you do not plan to use them daily, you can just practice for a while. They will help you come up with and add new artistic features to your handwriting.


Practice writing separate words and sentences until you can create their various forms and shapes. Try a handwritten form for writing sentences, work on the painting.


Ask the person whose handwriting you like to write some large text on a piece of paper. Try to slowly rewrite it on a blank sheet, trying to output each letter. Optionally, you can add some of your own decals, change the slope of the text, etc.


You can also circle each word directly on a sheet of text. This must be done slowly and carefully, repeating each outline of the letters so as not to go beyond the line. Practice this a few times.


There are special schools in which they teach to write beautifully, so if you can’t improve your writing yourself and have the necessary amount of money, you can turn to professionals for help.

Useful advice

Try not to press too hard on the pen while writing text.

Try writing with a fountain pen. This, of course, is not very convenient, but on the other hand, it forces one to display each letter.

Do not be lazy and train in any free time for you, the more practice - the better the result.