How to get a second higher pedagogical education

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How to get a second higher pedagogical education
How to get a second higher pedagogical education

It so happens that specialists who already have higher education, not related to pedagogy, feel a desire to engage in pedagogical activities, to work with children. Then it becomes necessary to obtain a second higher pedagogical education. The fact is that the education sector to this day remains one of the most conservative, and even a highly skilled specialist who does not have a pedagogical diploma will not be able to work in it.

If the first higher education is not connected with pedagogy, you can get a second higher pedagogical education at any pedagogical institute or university, as well as in most classical universities of the Russian Federation.

Directions of higher pedagogical education

In most pedagogical universities, there are faculties where you can get a double specialization, for example, a teacher of one of the disciplines and a teacher-psychologist. True, this opportunity is provided primarily to those who are studying full-time. At the evening and correspondence departments, you can get higher education in the following areas: preschool education, primary education, additional education, as well as the teaching of various disciplines.

A specialist who has received a second higher pedagogical education can get a job in a kindergarten, school, college and college. In addition, he can do tutoring, give private courses. Pedagogical knowledge and skills are in demand in many areas of human activity, and can also be useful in training and raising your own children.