How not to stay in school for the second year

How not to stay in school for the second year
How not to stay in school for the second year

Video: Don't Stay in School 2024, July

Video: Don't Stay in School 2024, July

Staying in school for the second year is equivalent to a serious psychological trauma. Difficulties in perceiving the student by the new team are complemented by a negative and biased attitude - they consider him a “quartet” and a loser.

Instruction manual


In order not to stay in school for the second year, you must have at least a satisfactory mark in all subjects. It is not necessary to grab a star from the sky - if you feel that this subject does not cause you much zeal and enthusiasm, then you do not have to force yourself to intensify its study. From this it will only get worse - so you can hate both the teacher and the discipline under study completely. Minimum knowledge is also knowledge. Do not go in cycles in failures and do not give up.


Good behavior is the key to a great relationship with the teacher. The teacher is also a man, and the words "prejudice" are not alien to him. If a student constantly disrupts lessons, makes fun of teachers and violates school rules, then teachers will probably not treat him in the best way. If such a student has a controversial situation with grades, the teacher, offended by the student’s rebellious behavior, will most likely deliver the smallest possible. Why? Because he wants to moderate the out-of-control teenager and show him his place. And vice versa - for a student who is distinguished by exemplary behavior in the classroom, “they will go towards” and help him move to the next class.


If you feel that the prospect of staying in the second year is great enough, try to resolve the situation. Stay after class and talk with the teacher. Explain that you are not indifferent to his subject and would like to correct the situation. Ask how this can be done. Offer to work out the material you missed together, say that you can answer additional questions in the lessons or write essays and reports on the topic of the lesson. Teachers love active students seeking knowledge. In addition, the more good grades you get, the more likely it is to get a good annual grade.