Why do you need phonetics

Why do you need phonetics
Why do you need phonetics

Video: What is Phonetics 2024, July

Video: What is Phonetics 2024, July

Already in the first grade, children diligently parse words into sounds, identify unstressed and stressed vowels, deaf, sonorous and voiced consonants. Meanwhile, they do not start writing more literally from this, and sometimes, on the contrary, the careful repetition of the words “as you hear” confuses the kids and leads to mistakes. In this case, why do we need phonetics, is it necessary to study this subject?

A harmonious, smoothly sounding combination of sounds gives speech a special expressiveness and beauty. Knowing the laws of phonetics, you can avoid common mistakes that lead to speech dissonance, to the appearance of unpronounceable and unpleasant for hearing structures of words. Phrases unsuccessful from the point of view of phonetics will impede attention and will interfere with the perception of the text. For example, evaluate the line of one children's poem: “Ah, more often with chocolate


", such a phrase is difficult to pronounce even for an adult, not like a five-year-old child.

The phonetic component creates a halo around the word, which affects its meaning, as well as the impression of the word. For example, the sound of the words "grunt", "mumble" invisible to the listener cause unpleasant emotions, and "rose", "early", "sea" give the phrase melody and beauty of sound.

Knowledge of phonetics allows a person to control speech at his discretion. You can make a proposal in such a way that it excites the listener or reader, arouses indignation in him, or you can reassure, inspire confidence and peace. All this is achieved using a different combination of words and sounds. Especially often, writers use alliteration - a repetition of the same consonants to enhance the effect.

For example, knowing that the sound "p" in Russian is perceived as a coarse, harsh sound, you will not often use it in a love confession, but in a call to action or indignation, words with this sound will be very useful. Compare: "Brilliant, semi-airy, obedient to the magical bow, surrounded by a crowd of nymphs, standing Istomina


"(A.S. Pushkin) and" In adults, things. In rubles pockets. Be in love? You are welcome! Publishing for a hundred "(V.V. Mayakovsky).

With the help of onomatopoeic words, one can also convey the character of the sound, for example, the phrases “And the crunch of sand, and the snoring of a horse” or “Frosty drunk puddles crunch and are fragile, like crystal” immediately evoke the corresponding associations.

Each sound carries some information, and its repetition in the text will have a certain effect on the listener. Knowing all the rules of phonetics and making friends with sounds, you can easily compose a report on which the audience will not yawn, but will completely share all your thoughts.