Features of distance learning

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Features of distance learning
Features of distance learning

Distance learning has its advantages and disadvantages. The advantages include the ability to combine work and study and the availability of free time, and an obvious drawback is the very scarce lectures containing only about 25% of all the information necessary for the successful development of the course. And the rest you have to find yourself, master and pass the test or exam.

"Gallop across Europe"

The most complete fairy tale is that an extramural student from session to session sits every day and stubbornly nibbles on the granite of science. In reality, everything happens just the opposite. Since you don’t need to go to school every day, there are a huge number of cases that are simply impossible to postpone, especially if you are a working student and a family student. A peculiar life cycle is created: work - home - work. There is clearly no place to study there, although some attempts to search for material and prepare for exams are undoubtedly present.

The clock is ticking, time is sneaking up to you, and here it is - a long-awaited and long-suffering session. Why suffered? Yes, because you suffered and suffered with remorse from the thought that it would be necessary to master all the vast material. But the most interesting awaits you ahead. Usually, in the session time, which is an average of a month, teachers read lectures immediately for all subjects included in this semester, seminars on these subjects are immediately held, and exams and tests are taken between lectures and seminars.

It turns out right some kind of brain storm. And here the main thing is to go "in the stream", since it is more difficult to pass a session to one. Firstly, teachers do not always have a free minute for an extramural student, and secondly, if you rent the session individually, you need to be absolutely prepared, directly overwhelmed with knowledge.