How to solve homework

How to solve homework
How to solve homework

Video: How To Do Homework 2024, July

Video: How To Do Homework 2024, July

For some children, homework is a real punishment. They are trying in every possible way to hide from their parents that they have to solve a difficult task or write a voluminous composition, preferring to spend time at the screen of a monitor or TV. However, with this behavior, the child should be wary. Perhaps the reason for the reluctance to solve homework lies not at all in laziness, but in a misunderstanding of the material passed.

Instruction manual


Therefore, parents need to understand the situation, and not take on the belt and scold the negligent student. But sitting with a child for lessons is also not worth it. First, let him try to figure out the topic on his own, and then you will help in particularly difficult places. In this case, do not scold the child for the mistakes made, because homework is given in order to understand and comprehend the material learned in the lesson.


Sometimes parents say that the homework is too large and it will take a lot of time. This causes fear in the child, casts doubt on his ability and leads to great reluctance to take up lessons.


Do not point out the child’s past mistakes and in no case evaluate him or her in school performance. In such a situation, it may seem to your child that only the grades in the school diary are important to parents, and not he.


To complete homework without scandals and tantrums, you should help your child make a daily routine and set aside time for class preparation. At the same time, teach the student to first solve complex, in his opinion, tasks, and then move more to easier ones.


As for the parents checking the completed tasks, there is no need to indicate specific errors. Hint to the child what they are, let him try to find and correct them. Do not forget to praise your child for the quality of homework. Consider not only the volume and complexity of the lessons, but also the child’s attitude to learning, his abilities and capabilities, and do not forget about your personal example.