How to find a good tutor

How to find a good tutor
How to find a good tutor

Video: The type of tutor you should NEVER have | My dodgy REAL life experience 2024, July

Video: The type of tutor you should NEVER have | My dodgy REAL life experience 2024, July

Improvement is never too late. Someone just wants to pass the exam, and someone all his life dreamed of learning to play the piano, speak Arabic or ride a snowboard. With all this, professionals in their field, tutors, can help.

You will need


Instruction manual


First of all, decide on what subject you need a tutor for. Nowadays, you can find a great many options for tutoring: foreign languages, musical instruments, vocals, general subjects, sports, dancing, rhetoric and even etiquette.


Decide on your financial situation and the number of classes per week. Of course, the more classes, the better. But is there enough money to pay for them? The qualification of the tutor depends on the material condition. Classes from experienced teachers can cost you a pretty penny.


Look for a tutor by acquaintances. This is a good way to find a good teacher, because acquaintances will not advise a bad teacher. You can contact your school teachers or teachers from the institute. They, like no one else, know your weaknesses and help to "tighten your tails."


Pay attention to newspaper and street ads. This method guarantees you independence in choosing a teacher. But there is one drawback. Initially, you will not be able to see the person’s face and do not know who you are going to.


Ask for help in special educational centers. Some of them are preparing for the exam, while others help with foreign languages. Educational centers include art schools, music, math - there are many options. But classes are not held individually, but in groups.


Find out if there are preparatory courses at the university you are going to. There you will be prepared for the entrance exams, you will get acquainted with future teachers and the atmosphere of the institute.


Use the help of the Internet. Here you will find everything. Type in the search engine the desired combination, for example, "English tutor" and browse the links. You can search for a teacher on specialized sites for tutors. Before you will be presented profiles of registered users. You can sort them by the studied subject and the charged per hour. This method is very good, because you can see the photo of the tutor, his education and work experience. Pay particular attention to the last item. After all, experience is one of the main components of a good teacher, and the more he teaches, the more effective your classes will be. Browse through several options at once and choose the most suitable for you. But the quality of knowledge and training you can already check in practice. It remains only to negotiate with a tutor and begin classes.