What is the best way to learn German?

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What is the best way to learn German?
What is the best way to learn German?



Knowledge of German will help you get a job in an international company faster. Having studied German, you can easily travel to countries where German is the official language.

Learn new words constantly

At the initial stage, you need to devote as much time as possible to learning new words in German. Start with simple words, gradually moving on to remember more complex words, as well as special terms. Get yourself a dictionary where you will write down unknown words. After writing a word, immediately make a sentence or short expression with it, so you will quickly memorize new words. You can prepare special cards, where on the one hand you need to write the word in German, and on the other side - its translation into Russian. Carry these cards with you so you can constantly train. Download special applications that will make learning new words a fun game.

Learn German Grammar

Without knowledge of grammar, one cannot go far in learning a language. It is difficult to memorize all the rules at once. Pay attention to topics such as the order of construction of sentences, different tenses and conjugation of verbs, as well as the rules for using adjectives, adverbs and prepositions. Use a self-instruction manual, where there are exercises on different grammatical topics, so you can consolidate and put into practice the passed grammar.

Develop all skills at the same time

Try to develop all language skills. Oral German can be practiced with native speakers when traveling in Germany, Switzerland or Austria. If there is no way to go abroad, then you can do it on Skype. Find a language club in your city and practice speaking in an informal setting. The best way to improve your listening skills is to listen to German radio and watch movies. To train written speech, it is best to use a self-study guide, where you can find questions to the material covered and try to answer them in writing. Perhaps at this stage you will need the help of a teacher or friends who know the language better than you and can correct mistakes.