How to finish the lesson: questions for reflection

How to finish the lesson: questions for reflection
How to finish the lesson: questions for reflection

Video: Writing a reflection 2024, July

Video: Writing a reflection 2024, July

One component of the lesson is reflection. The teacher asks the children questions so that they can look back at the work done and evaluate their efforts.

The reflexive moment at the end of the lesson may include a survey on the topic studied, as well as questions on self-esteem.

During the survey-summary on the topic studied, the guys try to remember not only the theory, but also how they worked during the lesson. Examples of such questions:

1. What new have you learned today?

2. What did you find most interesting?

3. What have you learned?

4. What seemed difficult?

5. What did you expect from the lesson, and what did you receive?

Self-assessment questions:

1. I did it

2. How did you complete the assignments? How did your class work?

3. Mark one or two points on the sheet: I learned something new, was upset, surprised, learned, received joy, did not understand anything.

Reflection can be both individual and collective. In order for children to appreciate each other's work, the following exercise is suitable. Choose one sentence for your desk mate: well done, I’m happy with your work, you could do a better job.

For reflection, you can also use the exercise "Suitcase, meat grinder, basket." When you say “suitcase”, the children recall from the lesson everything that will come in handy in the future. A "meat grinder" is what the child will process at home. The "basket" is the negative that interfered with the child during the lesson. That the child in the future will try not to use.

"Methods of pedagogical technology", A. Gin, 2017