How to learn the capital

How to learn the capital
How to learn the capital

Video: EUROPEAN CAPITALS - Learn Countries and Capital Cities of Europe with Flags 2024, July

Video: EUROPEAN CAPITALS - Learn Countries and Capital Cities of Europe with Flags 2024, July

The study of countries and their pages takes place at school in a geography lesson. However, if you are already an adult and want to refresh your knowledge, you can easily do this using several methods.

Instruction manual


There are two main options: mechanical memorization or interactive learning. The fact is that recently, programs aimed at training people of different ages have been actively developed. The program, which is called "Countries and their capitals", did not become an exception here. It can be downloaded free of charge on the Internet. It allows you to study almost all the world capitals, currencies of countries. The user has three training modes (he can take quizzes on the topics "Country by Capital", "Capital by Country", and also "Currency by Country").


Please note: you can combine computer learning and mechanical repetition of material. In this case, it is not necessary to sit for hours with a textbook and “cramming”. You can do it another way: take small pieces of paper (preferably bright ones), write country-capital couples on them and hang them around the apartment or glue your desktop over them. Stickers are better at eye level. Thanks to this, you will often see information and memorize it without much stress.


Get a big world map and learn the capitals with it. Thus, the visual memory will also train (as in the case described in the second step). It will be enough to literally two or three times a day approach the map and carefully read the names of countries and capitals. By the way, everything will be much more effective if you pronounce the names out loud.


You will spend much less time studying if you simultaneously create some kind of associative series. In addition, you can learn the so-called abbreviations, for example: KP (China - the capital of Beijing), FI (France - Paris) and so on. If you remember at least the first letter of the capital, it will be much easier to restore all its name.

Useful advice

On the Internet there are many sites with interesting facts about many cities and countries. Perhaps reading them will allow you to permanently leave the names of at least some of them in your memory.