How to carry out an abstract

How to carry out an abstract
How to carry out an abstract

Video: Writing an Abstract for your Research Paper 2024, July

Video: Writing an Abstract for your Research Paper 2024, July

An abstract is the type of writing work that students and schoolchildren most often encounter. Oddly enough, many have no idea how the essay is written.

Instruction manual


Download the cover page and bibliography from the Internet. The fact is that a lot of design rules apply to them, related to font sizes, paragraph layout, proportions relative to the sheet and the number of quotes after the name. Therefore, by downloading the title page or bibliography of any work, you can simply change the data to your own, and thereby avoid many problems.


Write the introduction yourself. This is the part of the work that must be written in person, in order to avoid accusations of plagiarism. You must explain your choice of topic (even if it was imposed on you), emphasize the relevance of the issue and write the "goals and objectives" of the work. Classically, they are written as follows: "The purpose of my essay is to study (the object to which the work is devoted)."


Break the main part into 2-3 chapters. For the analysis of the work (essay on philosophy), the ideal option is “analysis of the work + own opinion”, for work on physical education: “Theoretical justification + practical application” and so on. It’s not worth splitting the work into many chapters: you will also need to break each major part into short subtitles - and this is quite enough. To comply with all the formalities associated with fonts, line spacing and fat headings - again use abstracts from the Internet.


Indicate the links. The abstract does not require the student to do any research, but rather systematize knowledge on a specific issue. Because of this, literal copying of text from other sources is not prohibited. However, in this case, you must immediately after the copied indicate the link in the format [I, p. 244], where the first value is a Roman numeral denoting a book from the bibliography, and the second is the page number of the book.


The conclusion must be written independently. It usually has a size of no more than one and a half pages and is a generalization of the foregoing. You can start it with the words "Summing up and togas, we have

", and within a few paragraphs, confirm that the goal of the work you completed.

Useful advice

Ask your teacher for specific writing requirements. Often they can differ from standard ones.