How to choose a tutor to prepare for the exam

How to choose a tutor to prepare for the exam
How to choose a tutor to prepare for the exam

Video: How to study for exams - The Retrospective Revision Timetable 2024, July

Video: How to study for exams - The Retrospective Revision Timetable 2024, July

Unified state examination, these three letters raise fear not only for schoolchildren, but also for their parents, because the future of an applicant depends on the results of a single state exam. In higher education institutions budgetary places are reduced every year, therefore, to get on the cherished "budget", you must have a high score on the exam.

High school students have not been fed promises of good school preparation for a long time, and often offer to choose a tutor for themselves. But how to do this, how to find a good tutor to pass the exam for 100 points?

First you need to decide how and where to look for a tutor for a high school student, it makes sense to ask friends and other applicants with whom they are engaged. A tutor for the exam can be found at school, among teachers, in a university, among teachers, by an ad on the Internet, and even engage in remotely.

School teachers, as a rule, are well aware of the structure and orientation of the USE tasks, but do not always teach how to find a quick solution to complex problems. Best of all, if the tutor-teacher has experience in participating in the certification commission for the exam, he will be able to focus the attention of a high school student on important points and protect against common mistakes that are made from year to year.

University teachers willingly take up tutoring, moreover, the cost of their teaching hours in 99% of cases is higher than that of a school teacher. As a rule, practicing teachers teach the most effective way to solve assignments in the USE, but they do not always have up-to-date information on changes in the structure of the unified state exam.

Students often come across among advertisers, but you should not be afraid of this and neglect a young mentor for a high school student. Students or young graduates of higher educational institutions themselves went through the USE mechanism and will be able not only to provide a scientific basis, but also to psychologically set the applicant in a positive way.

Before choosing it, it is advisable to find out about the experience of preparing for the exam that the tutor owns, perhaps ask for feedback from people with whom this tutor has already worked. You need to choose a mentor who will be comfortable working with, and also do not forget about the mode of meetings.

Indicate the number of hours required per week, specify the time of tutoring and the amount of payment. Do not be afraid to ask questions, make efforts to master the material, because it is a guarantee to pass the exam by 100 points!