How to increase vocabulary in English

How to increase vocabulary in English
How to increase vocabulary in English

Video: How to increase your vocabulary 2024, July

Video: How to increase your vocabulary 2024, July

English is becoming more common every year. Therefore, almost every person is important in the ability to speak this language correctly. However, the main problem in studying is expanding your vocabulary, which will require a lot of patience and time. But do not despair, because there are special techniques with which you can greatly facilitate the process of learning new foreign words.

Instruction manual


The most popular and effective way to learn new words is with cards. First you need to purchase a special block of notes for recording. Then write down one English word on one side of the paper, and a translation to it and an example that will illustrate the use of this word on the other. It is advisable to find a color block, then it will be easier for you to memorize, for example, on red sheets you will write nouns, on green sheets - verbs and so on. You need to carry these cards with you all the time and when you have a free minute, get them out and try to remember what each word means. This method is good in that you can shuffle the cards, because by memorizing the list, you will more likely remember the sequence itself, not the words. Put cards with especially difficult words into a separate pile, train them as often as possible.


For some people, English dictionaries are more interesting than any detective story. Opening them only in order to see the meaning of one word, such people are carried away by this occupation so much that they completely forget about the world around them. An impressive amount of words can be remembered after simply turning the pages.


Take a look around. Do you know the English translation of all the things that surround you? It happens that you cannot say the names of even the simplest things, and it is precisely these words that are important for everyday communication. Therefore, picking up bright stickers in your hands, go around the house and note those things whose translation you still do not know. Throughout the day, you will pass by them several times and easily remember new words.


Prepare ten new words in English. Then try to compose a story in English using them. This will help you not only remember new words, but also refresh old ones.


The following method is only suitable for those who have the opportunity to communicate with people who speak English. When your interlocutor used a word unknown to you, you will either try to guess its translation, or ask the person himself. In the next few minutes, try to use this word in your speech. If your friend is not surprised, it means that you used the word correctly.