How to prepare for the school year

How to prepare for the school year
How to prepare for the school year

Video: How To Prepare for the New School Year ☆ Back To School Tips 2024, July

Video: How To Prepare for the New School Year ☆ Back To School Tips 2024, July

It is worth preparing for the new school year in advance and refreshing your knowledge 1-2 more weeks before the onset of autumn. You don’t have to do much, just one hour a day, and if you have good memory and academic performance, then 30 minutes is enough.

Instruction manual


It’s better to do this in the morning, at which time the brain has not yet had time to get tired and load up with various questions. Before starting classes, it is worth preparing the workplace and removing possible irritants. After all, the brain that has been weaned from learning will easily switch to anything but educational material.


Start repeating the simplest topics, then move on to those that caused you difficulty and were poorly stored in your memory. If you have already received books for this school year, scroll through them. You may come across complex topics that are best read in advance.


Solve simple problems in mathematics or physics. Repeat the rules in Russian. The main thing is to do everything gradually and regularly. Do not overload yourself, you will still encounter this when studying.


If you have not read the books set for the summer, do not expect that if you scroll through them, you can familiarize yourself with their contents. It was worth taking care of in advance.


After you work out, go for a walk or engage in active sports. As you finish your exercise or return from a walk, take a hearty lunch.