How to get a guide-translator education

How to get a guide-translator education
How to get a guide-translator education

Video: 4 translation skills all translators need, but most bilinguals lack! 2024, July

Video: 4 translation skills all translators need, but most bilinguals lack! 2024, July

A guide-translator is a guide who organizes and conducts bus and pedestrian tours that accompany tourists. Its functions also include solving any problems that arise during the tour.

Instruction manual


If you do not speak a foreign language, go to one of the schools of guide-translators. In some educational institutions you can be taught a language for 4 years, and then, after passing the exam, be sent to a specialized training program for guides. In others, upon admission, a level of knowledge of a foreign language is not lower than average. Such courses do not provide foreign language instruction. Often, after such courses, the educational institution is engaged in the employment of its graduates.


Try to enter one of the universities in the relevant departments. Upon graduation, you will have the knowledge necessary to work as a guide-translator. In Moscow, these are the following educational institutions: Russian University of Friendship of Peoples (RUDN), Institute of Foreign Languages, Moscow State University named after Lomonosov Moscow State University (Moscow State University), Moscow State Linguistic University (MGLU), Institute of European Languages ​​and World Economy, Russian State Humanitarian University (RSUH), Institute of Linguistics, Moscow Humanitarian University (Moscow State University).


For admission, prepare to take exams in the following disciplines: Russian, geography, social studies, foreign language, literature, history.


If the previous option does not suit you, you want to get a guide education as quickly as possible and already have a language base, then go to the school under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. There you will be offered to attend the first lesson for free so that you can evaluate your capabilities. Then you will be asked to perform entrance testing, ask questions about general erudition, check how you navigate in the city, whether you know the main architectural monuments, and evaluate your vocabulary. Classes at the school of guides are conducted in a foreign language.


To get an accreditation card, enroll in courses at the Association of Guides in Moscow. This training option puts forward more stringent requirements for applicants, but also opens up broader prospects. Graduates or students who graduated from the third year of study are accepted here, rare languages ​​- at the end of 4 courses (Chinese, Japanese, etc.).


In this profession, your appearance, sociability, and most importantly, the presence of leadership qualities is of great importance. A guide must be a leader for his travel group.

This is a rather closed sphere, recommendations and reputation are of great importance here.

Courses at the Association of Guides - Translators