How to learn Hebrew

How to learn Hebrew
How to learn Hebrew

Video: Learn Hebrew in 25 Minutes - ALL the Basics You Need 2024, July

Video: Learn Hebrew in 25 Minutes - ALL the Basics You Need 2024, July

Hebrew is one of the oldest languages ​​in the world. Today it is the official language of Israel and the main means of communication of the Jewish diaspora, although during the 18 centuries it was practically not used as a spoken language. At first glance, Hebrew is quite difficult to learn, but if you have patience and have a strong desire, it is quite possible to learn it.

You will need

  • - tutorial;

  • - audio course;

  • - Russian-Hebrew and Hebrew-Russian dictionary;

  • - the Internet;

  • - Webcam.

Instruction manual


Hebrew has many features that are not characteristic of Russian and most European languages. In particular, reading from right to left, the absence of vowels on the letter, the system of smihuts and binyans - dealing with this is quite difficult. Therefore, it is best to learn Hebrew under the guidance of an experienced mentor who knows the language at the proper level.


If your city has an intensive Hebrew learning center or language course, sign up for an active or newly recruited group. Teaching in a team with a teacher will allow you not only to learn the language, but also to join the history of Israel and Jewish cultural traditions.


Individual lessons, including using the Internet, are a more effective way to study Hebrew. Find a linguistic center teacher with whom you can study in person or through free video calling tools. Such training usually costs more than group classes, but the result is worth the investment.


You can learn Hebrew yourself with the help of a tutorial. Strictly follow the recommendations of the textbook, do the exercises, check them with a key for self-test. Pay special attention to phonetics and writing, remember difficult moments and exceptions to the rules, master vocabulary. When studying Hebrew, a serious approach and regularity of classes is very important - 1 hour every day.


It is desirable that an audio course for practicing pronunciation, voiced by a native speaker, be attached to the tutorial. Repeat words and phrases behind the announcer, record your speech on audio media and compare with the original.


On the Internet you can find many sites offering free Hebrew instruction using various methods. Exercises, simulators, crosswords and games help to master the basics of the language and the basic vocabulary. On some sites there are many adapted texts for reading, with which you can replenish the vocabulary, remember the most common expressions and train the pronunciation.


But the main thing that is necessary when learning a language is live communication with its native speaker. Find Hebrew-speaking partners on social media and try to practice speaking regularly.

Hebrew Learning Centers