How to learn English with pleasure: reading and words

How to learn English with pleasure: reading and words
How to learn English with pleasure: reading and words

Video: The Reading Strategy Every English Learner Needs to Know (Step-by-Step Guide) 2024, July

Video: The Reading Strategy Every English Learner Needs to Know (Step-by-Step Guide) 2024, July

Everyone at the school studied a foreign language. Mostly it was English. However, few paid due attention to training. The thing is that for many, learning words, reading texts in textbooks seemed boring. Empty cramming does not give the desired result. Therefore, it is necessary to look for more effective, while interesting ways to learn English words.

Instruction manual


On the Internet there are many sites that are dedicated to various simple toys. Many people like to pass the time on them. Play mini races, puzzles or maps. If you are a fan of such entertainment, find games to learn English words. The meaning of the game is that you need to find the right thing in the room or just among other options for things and click on it. You may have played similar games in Russian. Now try in English.


Find and download the Learn English application on your phone. Here you can train in writing words, learn to understand them by ear and easily remember, as a picture is attached to all phrases and words. The application itself resembles a game. It has levels and achievements. It will appeal to both adults and children. It is worth saying that it can be downloaded to learn different languages.


Find a book you are interested in and start reading it with the help of a dictionary, but not an online translator. After a few chapters, you will notice that you do not need to search for the meaning of words so often. If you have a favorite book by a foreign writer that you loved as a child, it is time to read it in the original. However, you should not take heavy works, it is better to take those books that are designed for children.


If you are not a fan of foreign children's books, but you also don’t want to read boring texts, find stories for children on the Internet, translate and read them. After a while, you will learn to understand elementary texts and will be able to switch to more complex books.


Communication on social networks is an indispensable practice for language learners. Especially if you are chatting with carriers. English-speaking people are always easy to find on Facebook or VKontakte. Sometimes they themselves can write to you. Do not miss the opportunity to chat with them. However, if you do not want to answer strangers, correspond in English with your friends. It is no less effective and very interesting.