How to decorate a cool corner

How to decorate a cool corner
How to decorate a cool corner

Video: 3 Stylish Ways to Decorate corners | Corner Decoration ideas | DIY Home Decor | Organizopedia 2024, July

Video: 3 Stylish Ways to Decorate corners | Corner Decoration ideas | DIY Home Decor | Organizopedia 2024, July

The modern printing industry offers many ready-made classrooms. They are comfortable, beautiful, neatly executed. They do not require much effort and cost. But they are devoid of personality. In addition, they do not allow children to show their creative abilities. And they (especially the children of the middle classes) want to create a corner themselves and decorate it.

Instruction manual


First of all, choose the name of the corner. It should correspond to the age of the children, their character.

If these are elementary school students, then one should take into account their craving for animated films, favorite fairy tales. Therefore, the names "Smeshariki", "Gnomes", "Funny little men", "Fidgets" are suitable.

If these are primary school students, then the name of the corner must take into account the fascination with the fantasy world, the first love novels and the Internet. The following options can be suggested as examples:, Black Lightning, Electronics, Shkolyar, There is a Contact!

High school students can be offered the names "Coevals", "Romantics", "Youth", "Renaissance", "Flame", "Extreme", "Adrenaline", "Seven Feet under the Keel!". These names will reflect the inner desire for freedom, independence, the desire to declare oneself as a person.


Now, depending on the name, come up with a design. It should be colorful, bright. Let it be fabulous heroes and heroes of games, appropriate attributes, background picture. The main thing is that the guys themselves draw and color the basis of the newspaper in bright colors. Tell them how to do it better.


Come up with a motto or slogan that matches both the class and the name of the corner. Write it under the name in capital letters.


Post class photos. They will greatly decorate the wall newspaper. You can take a general photo, you can group, or you can individual. It all depends on the size of the wall newspaper and your imagination. So, for example, "Smeshariki" can draw themselves in the form of these cartoon characters and paste their photos.


Now think over the names of the columns. They should also reflect the essence of the name. Instead of the traditional “Asset Class”, you can write “On the Captain’s Bridge”. Instead of the name “Work Plan for the Second Quarter” - “Affairs of the Flower Kingdom”.

Make out even the most common announcement about a school subbotnik in the form of a leaflet and make an original inscription: "The work is difficult, the work is languishing, // No copecks for it. // But we will work as if we // Make the greatest saga."


Material for the base of the cool corner. A polished board, plywood shield will look good. Use modern building material for this purpose. Its advantage is that it is light, plastic, fits perfectly into the interior.


For wall newspapers, you can use decorative ornaments. Various paper figures (autumn leaves, snowflakes, flowers) with Velcro will indicate a change in the seasons. And for the holidays pick up tinsel, applique, balls.

Useful advice

Before posting classroom speakers, check the children's work for errors. Try to fix it carefully and tactfully.

If students in the eleventh grade want to become "mixers" or "gnomes, " do not discourage them. Sometimes humor develops an active interest.