How to put quarter marks

How to put quarter marks
How to put quarter marks

Video: How to apply quarter markers & sharks teeth for the showring 2024, July

Video: How to apply quarter markers & sharks teeth for the showring 2024, July

School teachers have much more responsibilities and problems than university teachers. For example, if a student’s knowledge is checked once every six months - at the exam, then the student is evaluated according to the results of work for a quarter.

Instruction manual


Set it to "arithmetic mean." You should add all the points the student received for the quarter, and then divide by the number of terms. For example: a student has grades of "5, 4, 5, 3, 2, 4, 5". Total value: (5 + 4 + 5 + 3 + 2 + 4 + 5) /7=4.0, i.e. exactly four. If during division you get a decimal fraction, then round it up or down, respectively. The advantage of this method is that it allows conscious children to control their own assessment, counting the score on their own. However, the quarter result set in this way does not take into account the complexity of the work, and the five for work at the board is no worse than the five for the final control, which is not entirely objective.


For elementary school students, it is permissible to set a mark of "diligence". At such a tender age, the final score plays a much larger role for the child than it might seem. Therefore, if a student carefully completed his homework throughout the semester and studied well, but for some reason he “did not reach” the five, then you can set it with a clear conscience. This small "bonus" does not spoil the student at all, but, on the contrary, points to a very important truth: "To get a good grade, you need to work and try."


Build on the results of the final work. This methodology is very true to apply to students of grades 10-11, as the most adult and conscious, and, in addition, preparing to enter universities. Some schools even officially introduced the concept of “Sessions” for high school students: an exam is introduced in selected subjects, which determines a quarterly or semi-annual assessment. However, the teacher should not make the "exam" the only and final criterion. So, if a student consistently had fives throughout the entire study period, but the exam was passed at “4”, then a quarter mark can be thought over and changed for the better, if the student deserves it.

Useful advice

When making final grades for high school students, do not forget to take into account students who are eager to get a medal.