How to schedule classes

How to schedule classes
How to schedule classes

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Classes are an organized form of training for preschoolers. To organize a systematic educational process in a preschool educational institution, it is necessary to think out a schedule of classes with children. This will evenly distribute the load on children.

Instruction manual


To draw up a class schedule, you should focus on the existing SanPiN, where the sanitary and hygienic requirements for organizing classes in kindergarten are prescribed. In particular, it indicates how many classes per week should be planned for each age group of children, and also describes the requirements for the organization of premises for classes.


Types of classes are planned depending on the day of the week. Classes of the cognitive cycle are best put on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, as these days children have optimal mental activity. On Monday, preschoolers undergo a slight adaptation after the weekend, and on Friday there is a decrease in mental activity due to fatigue.


When scheduling classes, it is also necessary to coordinate the time of work with the children of each of the kindergarten specialists. To avoid overlays, you should consider their work schedules.


In addition, for physical education classes, classes of all narrow specialists, it is necessary to take into account the necessary premises. In a large kindergarten, in which there are many groups and teachers, this is quite difficult. Difficulties may arise when using the physical culture and music halls, which are usually one at a time in a kindergarten.


Also, when scheduling, you need to provide time between classes for a break. Usually it is ten minutes. This time is enough for preschoolers to relax, and the teacher could prepare everything necessary for the lesson.

how to make class time