How to make biology verification tests

How to make biology verification tests
How to make biology verification tests

Video: VERIFY® V24 Self-Contained Biological Indicator Training for STERRAD Systems 2024, July

Video: VERIFY® V24 Self-Contained Biological Indicator Training for STERRAD Systems 2024, July

To assess the knowledge of students, teachers use verification tests. It is on the basis of testing that we can conclude that students are preparing for annual exams, as well as find out the "gaps" in knowledge in a group of people. Preparation of the questions themselves is very important, because they will give a clear picture of class performance. For example, biology screening tests.

Instruction manual


Tests are multilevel. For example, for one group of people certain questions will be quite simple. Whereas for others this test will seem very difficult and incomprehensible. Therefore, it is very important to identify the ability of the team to absorb the information that you bring to them. This is done quite easily: in the process of working with the team you evaluate their capabilities, that is, with a dialogue or practical exercises, people's abilities will be obvious.


When compiling verification tests, you need to know how much time you have. For example, it will be quite difficult for students to orient themselves if the test consists of 100 difficult questions, designed for 45 minutes.


Compose biology questions based on past material. For example, if you did not go through the structure of the microscope, then asking what is in the lower part of the tube is inappropriate. Remember that students are reluctant to study the material themselves.


Compose the questions in a fairly easy and understandable form; you should not burden them with complex concepts and difficult to understand turns. There may be several answers to the question, but this will only complicate the task for students, so such verification tests are best done for a group of people who study biology in depth.


If during the training you conducted any experiments with the team (for example, with peas), then you can include questions regarding these experiments. Include questions from all sections covered. You can also formulate questions that students must answer by including logic. For example, which of the following plants have a climbing stem? Answers: strawberries, bindweed, wheat, apple tree, poplar.


Include in the verification test and definitions. For example, cilia are organs of movement.

And then the answers come: chlamydomonas, volvox, euglena green, ciliates, slippers, arcelles.