How to do a lesson introspection

How to do a lesson introspection
How to do a lesson introspection

Video: Introduction to Introspection 2024, July

Video: Introduction to Introspection 2024, July

The door closed for the last child, and the teacher was left alone with his questions. And the main one: was the lesson conducted correctly? That is why the methodological work at school invariably requires any teacher to be able to do introspection. This type of activity helps to increase the level of professional competence of the teacher.

Instruction manual


Reread the topic of the lesson and determine its type for didactic purposes: introductory, material consolidation, formation of skills, testing, control and correction of knowledge, combined, repetition, generalizing. Is the interconnection of lessons in the topic taken into account?


Split the threefold task of the lesson into its component parts. Is the educational component implemented? To do this, analyze the outcome of the lesson, the number and quality of grades. Think about whether you expected such a result.

If it is higher than expected, then you:

1) underestimated the level of knowledge of students;

2) picked up too light didactic material that does not correspond to the level of development of children;

3) interviewed only strong students;

4) proposed simplified methods and techniques for assessing knowledge. If the result is lower than expected, then you

1) misplanned previous lessons;

2) committed a violation of educational methods;

3) you do not know the educational standard well.


Analyze the didactic material selected for the lesson. He must be diverse and rich. However, select it so that it matches the educational objectives of the lesson.


Count how many methods and techniques were used per lesson. There should be at least five. For example, vocabulary dictation, work with a textbook, test tasks, creative work (design, research, formulation and solution of a problem), brainstorming. Keep in mind that the types of methods and techniques should be consistent with the developmental objectives of the lesson.


Evaluate whether the visual aids and equipment used in the lesson paid off. If not, why? The reasons can be different: they incorrectly calculated the time of the show, unsuccessfully picked up a fragment, duplicated the same material by different means, did not check the operation of the equipment on the eve of the lesson.


Analyze the level of activity, the health of children. Did you take into account the type of nervous system of the class, the level of development of children?


Think about whether you were satisfied with the discipline. What was the reason for the violation? What techniques contributed to establishing order at different stages of the lesson?


Note the difficulties that have occurred in the entire class and in individual students. Were they overcome during class? Identify the causes of the difficulties and identify ways to resolve them.


Do not drag out the homework check. Depending on the complexity of the work, you can check it out completely. But this is only possible in two cases: if you didn’t explain it well before or gave it too complicated, it is above the class level. It is better to check selectively or partially. Give a detailed briefing on homework. Omitting this phase of the lesson will be a mistake.


Analyze the second component of the lesson: developmental. What skills, abilities, qualities did this lesson develop? Remember, it should have such methods and techniques that improve memory, attention, imagination, perception, will, patience.


Analyze the third component of the lesson: educational. Think that you gave a lesson for the formation of the worldview of students, for the education of their moral traits, will, character, culture of behavior.


Draw conclusions for the future. Outline ways to improve the lesson.

Useful advice

Rate yourself after each lesson. Do not be afraid to deviate from the plan or improve it. But consider your mistakes, because their correction leads to creativity.