How to conduct entertaining biology classes

How to conduct entertaining biology classes
How to conduct entertaining biology classes

Video: How to teach biology in a creative way - 5 interactive examples for in the classroom 2024, July

Video: How to teach biology in a creative way - 5 interactive examples for in the classroom 2024, July

On the one hand, the development of biology may seem easy, since a person from childhood is familiar with animate and inanimate nature. But on the other hand, studying all the manifestations of life and biological patterns is not easy. Therefore, the teacher should explain the material to the students as accessible as possible and make their lessons as interesting as possible, using various methods of conducting the lessons for this.

You will need

  • - paper;

  • - a pen;

  • - a computer with Internet access;

  • - a printer;

  • - multimedia equipment.

Instruction manual


When drawing up a plan or an outline of a lesson, keep in mind that the non-standard conduct of the lesson always arouses the interest of students in the topic being studied. So think and decide which form of lesson you choose. Depending on the topic and type of lesson, this can be: a lesson-quiz, a movie lesson, a lesson-excursion, a lesson-game, a lesson-fairy tale, etc. In addition, you will be able to interest the children using various methods of the lesson, for example, research, compilation of supporting abstracts, etc.


Design and conduct a fairy tale lesson. For example, when studying the topic "Germination of seeds", you can take as an basis the work of Andersen, "Five from one pod." Begin explaining the new topic with a pea story. And at the end of the lesson, the students will have to tell themselves what happens to the seeds of plants when they get into certain environmental conditions.


Prepare a biological KVN as a general lesson. Divide the class into teams in advance and distribute the topic of tasks. Form a jury of successful class students. To evaluate the teams, develop a score system, by the total of which they could determine the winner and put marks on the participants of the game.


In fine weather, organize a guided tour of the school trail for children. Determine the stations depending on the topic of the lesson: it can be fruit trees, vegetables and wild plants, landfill, etc. Let the students themselves be guides. You can conduct a virtual trip using multimedia equipment.


Use in your lessons intersubject communications with literature, history, geography. For example, when studying the significance of animals in human life, students should try to uncover the topic using myths, legends, and tales of various peoples of the world.


When choosing a lesson form, consider the age of the children.

Useful advice

Integrated lessons and activities will increase the interest in your subject of students who are fond of other areas of knowledge.