How to overcome reading difficulties

How to overcome reading difficulties
How to overcome reading difficulties

Video: How to Overcome Reading and Spelling Difficulties with NLP 2024, July

Video: How to Overcome Reading and Spelling Difficulties with NLP 2024, July

At school, they control the speed of reading, and not everyone gets good results. Children who read a lot at home do not have problems taking this test. If a child has difficulties and cannot be forced to read, the situation is not hopeless.

Instruction manual


Go to the bookstore with your child. Let him choose an interesting book or several books. Believe me, your expenses will pay off with joy when the child picks up school performance. Unfortunately, some children have never been with their parents in a bookstore. And we are still surprised that they have difficulty reading.


Do not read the selected book out loud to your child. He will quickly look at the pictures and his interest in the book will cool. Give the child a task - to make a quiz for mom and dad. Explain that you are planning a family holiday. Mom will cook something delicious. Dad will buy groceries. And the child must do a quiz for adults.


Explain to the child that adults know a lot. To get the quiz interesting, you need to ask them the most difficult questions. You can find such questions in the book you bought. Show the child how to find a “difficult” word in the book and come up with a question.


Agree on specific dates for the quiz. The child must know that you need to have time to read the entire book. If the book is thick, arrange for questions on a separate part of the book.


Tell your child that when adults answer all the quiz questions, they will do their quiz. And they will use this very book. Therefore, you must carefully read everything.


In a child, not everything can happen right away. Reassure him so that the burden of responsibility does not spoil the mood. But make it clear that he is entrusted with a serious matter and must be brought to the end. Do not try to "help" him, he will cope.


In families where parents love books, children read very well. If you yourself spend time at the computer and the TV, do not scold the child for poor reading marks. Show an example.

Useful advice

Create other book games for your child. Give prizes. Make a holiday out of it. Gradually, the child will learn to read quickly.

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