How to enter the Institute of Physical Education

How to enter the Institute of Physical Education
How to enter the Institute of Physical Education

Video: Best universities to study Physical Education in United States | 2024, July

Video: Best universities to study Physical Education in United States | 2024, July

Currently, almost every city has an institute of physical education. There you can get a profession related to sports or develop your sports talents.

Instruction manual


To enter a sports university, you must choose a specialty, submit documents, pass a medical commission and pass entrance exams.


Depending on the chosen profession, you can immediately decide on the choice of the department - sports, humanitarian or sports and humanitarian.


Only major majors are studied at the sports department: "Physical Culture", "Physical Culture and Sports", "Adaptive Physical Culture", as well as theories and methods of sports. Sports and humanitarian includes pedagogy, psychology, sports medicine, physiology, etc.


The number of applicants per place usually does not exceed 2-3 people per place. This is due to the complexity of specialties in the sports and humanitarian and humanitarian departments and with the requirement for a category (not lower than the second) in sports.


The standard set of documents includes: certificate of secondary education or diploma of secondary vocational education, USE certificate, medical certificate, passport, registration certificate (for boys), 3x4 photos. A special set of documents includes: the athlete’s classification book, documents confirming benefits (certificate of a master of sports or a master of sports of international class). If you enter the sports-humanitarian or humanitarian department, the second set of documents is not required.


Entrance exams include an exam in mandatory physical preparation, an exam in specialization, Russian language and biology. You will have to pass a theoretical examination in specialization if you have chosen a near-sports specialty (physiotherapy exercises, physiology, etc.).


In Russian language and biology, you provide the results of the exam. They are credited according to the principle - offset / non-offset. The specialization exam includes passing the standards for the sport that you have chosen. For example, for figure skating and gymnastics, these are competitions with the implementation of a program of complexity of the second or third category.


You will need to undergo a physical examination before the mandatory physical education exam. Your pressure, vision, nervous state should be normal. The exam itself includes a long jump from a standstill, 1000 m running, pull-ups (for boys), push-ups (for girls).


Requirements for standards depend on the chosen specialty. For sports, humanitarian and near-sports directions, the requirements are more sparing.