How to prepare a report for the lesson

How to prepare a report for the lesson
How to prepare a report for the lesson

Video: How to Write Effective Project Reports 2024, July

Video: How to Write Effective Project Reports 2024, July

The lessons of life safety, or the basics of life safety, are designed to teach you to behave correctly in extreme situations. They provide information on the most common dangers and methods of first aid. One type of homework may be the preparation of a report on a specific topic.

You will need

- access to the Internet.

Instruction manual


Select and coordinate with the teacher the topic of the report, then start collecting the necessary material. For example, your topic is "How to behave in an earthquake." The necessary materials are best searched on the Internet, then choose from them what you need to work.


The report begins with the story that earthquakes are one of the most devastating natural disasters. Introduce the class to their basic characteristics. In particular, with a scale by which their strength is measured. Give examples of the most powerful earthquakes, indicate the extent of the destruction. Describe the seismological situation in your area. Remember that the number of earthquakes in the world is constantly increasing, they occur even where they have never been before.


Tell us how to behave in the event of an earthquake. Explain that specific actions depend on where exactly the person was hit by a natural disaster - in a house, on the street, in a car, subway car, train. Make it clear that the possibility of salvation largely depends on the speed and correctness of actions. Analyze the main mistakes made by people in critical situations.


Be sure to mention the precursors of the earthquake - for example, the unusual behavior of domestic animals. Give students in your class an understanding of how dangerous an earthquake is at sea. Introduce them to the main signs of an approaching tsunami and explain what to do in the event of a wave approaching.


Do not forget to talk about what injuries people get during earthquakes, how to provide first aid. Tell me the phone number where emergency responders can be called. Directly at the lesson, invite students to enter it into mobile phones, explaining that its presence will allow, if necessary, to quickly call the rescue service. Just remembering the phone number of the Ministry of Emergencies is not enough, because in conditions of shock or when injured, a person can forget it.


End the report with a summary, namely the words about the need at any time to be prepared for emergencies. In conditions when the number of natural disasters is constantly increasing, the presence of the necessary knowledge and skills can save the life of not only the person himself, but also the people around him.