How not to work out at school

How not to work out at school
How not to work out at school

Video: DO NOT go to MEDICAL SCHOOL (If This is You) 2024, July

Video: DO NOT go to MEDICAL SCHOOL (If This is You) 2024, July

Most students are familiar with the concept of "summer working out." The school administration sets the deadlines for it, distributes the plots, introduces various sanctions for those who shy away from work. The question arises: how legal is all this?

You will need

  • - Constitution of the Russian Federation;

  • - Education Act";

  • - health certificate;

  • - statement to the prosecutor.

Instruction manual


Please note that practicing in schools without the consent of students and their parents is prohibited by the Constitution of Russia, as well as by the International Conventions on slavery and forced and compulsory labor.


If you do not want or do not have the opportunity to work out, refer to the law of the Russian Federation "On Education", clause 14 of article 50 of December 27, 2009. It is called "The Rights and Social Support of Pupils and Students" and establishes a ban on attracting pupils and students of civilian educational institutions without expressing their consent or the consent of their parents to work that is not provided for in the educational program.


Pay attention to paragraph 16 of article 50 of the above law. It says that students and pupils of educational institutions of a civil type have the right to freely attend events that are not provided for in the curriculum.


From the above laws and norms, we can conclude that the school does not have the right to force you to work out. This is possible only if the practice is somehow indicated in the educational program of any subject, for example, in biology - the performance of work on a school site. But labor practice, as a rule, in modern times is not included in the regulatory documents of educational institutions.


If you are threatened with liability for non-attendance at mining, refer to the above laws. Ask the practice leader to show documents requiring students to practice. If the school administration nevertheless takes any measures of influence for avoiding work, for example, a fine, file a complaint to the prosecutor. Focus on forced labor and unlawful prosecution.


If you are required to receive monetary compensation as an alternative to unworked summer practice, ask if you will be given a document confirming the fact of payment. It can then be used as a weighty argument in the preparation of the complaint.


A medical certificate about any disease you have, including a chronic one, can become the basis for your non-participation in working out even without reference to the above laws.