How to write a conclusion in a practice report

How to write a conclusion in a practice report
How to write a conclusion in a practice report

Video: Writing a Scientific Conclusion 2024, July

Video: Writing a Scientific Conclusion 2024, July

The conclusion in the practice report is closely related to the introduction and the intermediate conclusions made during the work. The conclusion is intended to summarize the peculiar result of all production practices.

Instruction manual


A practice report is a type of control of a student’s educational and practical activity that contains an introduction, the report itself and the conclusion itself. The last section is a particularly important indicator of how the trainee handled theoretical and practical tasks.


One of the main tasks of the practice report is to teach the student the analysis and introspection of the work done. Conclusion - this is the part of the report that is almost entirely based on your conclusions and results.


To write a conclusion, return to the introduction of your report, in which you outlined the goals of your work, intermediate tasks and the main theoretical provisions (if any). In your report, indicate whether you have achieved your goals. Mark the methods and approaches that seemed most productive to you for this job.


List the current scientific trends that have been useful to you during the internship. In your conclusion, demonstrate not only a comprehensive knowledge of theoretical and practical material, but also possession of interdisciplinary connections.


Focus on new, relevant and useful information received during the work.


List all the professional skills that you acquired during your practice (working with new types of documentation, mastering specialized computer programs, expanding your professional horizons).


Pay special attention to the difficulties that have arisen in the process of work and how to overcome them. The most basic causes of difficulty are the lack of experience of a young specialist and a significant separation of theoretical knowledge from the real situation.


Do not allow arbitrary derogations in your conclusion; state your conclusions concisely, observing the logical structure of the narrative. The scope of the report in the practice report shall not exceed two printed pages.

practice report conclusion