How to write a characteristic on a class

How to write a characteristic on a class
How to write a characteristic on a class

Video: Characteristic Classes: Lecture 1 2024, July

Video: Characteristic Classes: Lecture 1 2024, July

The problem of writing a characterization for a class is facing every novice teacher. How to write to reflect all aspects of the life of the class, while stating everything accurately, clearly and briefly? How to determine what should be required in the characteristic, and what is superfluous? Of course, you can turn to experienced teachers for advice. But one young teacher is simply embarrassed to ask someone, the other is used to coping with difficulties himself, and the third may simply not have such an opportunity.

Instruction manual


First of all, in the description indicate the total number of students in class e and separately - the number of boys and girls. Here also indicate the physical form of students, how many children belong to a particular health group.


Analyze student performance. If you are not the first year working in this class, then compare the results with the previous year. Note which subjects are higher and which are weaker. Describe the behavior of students in specific lessons, how relations with teachers teaching in the class develop (violate discipline, do not violate discipline, balanced, aggressive towards a teacher, etc.).


Expand the features of the cognitive processes available to individual students (good memory is auditory, mechanical visual memory, mixed memory, level of attention, inattentive, speech is well developed, oral speech is poorly developed, level of thinking, etc.).


Describe the level of development of the class team (friendly, there are no disputes, there are misunderstandings, but this cannot be called a conflict, united, there are warring groups, unfriendly).


Evaluate the level of satisfaction of students with their position in the team (they respect members of the collective, enjoy authority among other students, are satisfied that they are part of the class, are not satisfied, want to move to another class).


Also indicate the level of understanding between students in this class (they help when they see that it is necessary; they only help their friends; they help when they are asked about it).


In the description, note the relationship with the relationship with the relatives of the students. Tell us about the artistic interests of students: music, literature, painting, theater, cinema, favorite films, books, television shows, etc.


Analyze the extra-curricular work of the class over the past year (which activities were carried out, highlight successful ones and those that were less successful, why, who took an active part, who did not participate at all).


Assess the state of student self-government. Can class problems be solved, which of the students can organize a class for any event?

At the end of the specification, put your signature.


Do not use epithets, metaphors and other means of expressing the language when writing characteristics.

Useful advice

Get a separate notebook where you will take notes for yourself while working with the class. This will help when writing a feature.