How to write an ege

How to write an ege
How to write an ege

Video: How to write an essay - English EGE exam. ЕГЭ по английскому. 2024, July

Video: How to write an essay - English EGE exam. ЕГЭ по английскому. 2024, July

Today, there are hardly any people unfamiliar with the acronym USE. Graduates of Russian schools have been familiar with this term since 2009. A single state exam is taken by Russian citizens, as well as foreign citizens who have graduated from Russian schools, stateless persons, internally displaced persons and citizens with refugee status. The exam is considered the final exam upon receipt of a complete secondary education, and when entering the university it is the entrance exam.

Instruction manual


First of all, the optimistic mood is important. Without faith in their own strength, it is unlikely that it will succeed. But inspiration alone is not enough, action is needed. Create a schedule for each day that you will prepare for the exam. Show discipline and do not break the schedule.


Plan your daily routine so that exam preparation starts in the morning — highest productivity in the morning. It is also good to allocate part of the lessons to bedtime. During the day, you can spend several hours on a good rest, so that knowledge is better “laid out” in the head.


To prepare, buy or search online for a collection of training exercises. Take the time to complete them all. You can also sign up for an exam preparation course at your school or purchase training video courses on how to write an exam. If you have your own groundwork for the exam, and almost everyone has them, study them as well. Some even manage to use their own material during the exam, not even considering it a cheat sheet.


During the preparation period, ensure proper nutrition. Vegetables, dried fruits, chocolate - products that enhance the efficiency of the brain.


Before the exam, do not try to study all day, and in no case sit on the tests on the last night before the exam. Everything that was possible to learn, you have already learned. It is better to sleep well, then in the morning you will be full of strength and energy.


After receiving the tasks in the exam, immediately set yourself up so that you can pass it well. Indeed, many have successfully passed this exam before you, which means that you will pass it no worse than them!


Read the assignments slowly, overcome the excitement, and start. Do not forget - it all depends on you!

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