How to write a lecture on a student

How to write a lecture on a student
How to write a lecture on a student

Video: LECTURES: preparing lectures, taking notes & revising - study tips 2024, July

Video: LECTURES: preparing lectures, taking notes & revising - study tips 2024, July

During the educational process, the teacher draws up and fills a huge number of various documents. In them he indicates the techniques and methods with which he teaches and educates children. But there are situations when the teacher uses such a measure of influence on students as a memo. What is its structure?

Instruction manual


Make a heading for the memo. Write in the upper right corner the recipient's data, i.e. in whose name you write a note indicating the position, surname and initials. There can be one addressee (director, school administration) or several (director, deputy director for educational work, acting deputy director for educational work). Indicate your position, surname and initials.


In the middle of the sheet, indicate the type of document in capital letters (REPORTING NOTE) and its subject in the next line (what note is about). For example: REPORTING note on the absence of a student of 9 "a" class of Yu.N. Terekhov. Next to the type of document, it is subsequently necessary to affix its incoming number and date of registration.


In the first half of the text of the memorandum, describe in detail the situation with the names, dates and times of the incident. Because A memorandum is one of the extreme measures, when describing a specific situation, you can rely on the diary of the class teacher on educational work (whether there were similar violations in the student’s behavior (date and eyewitnesses), what measures the class teacher took (conversation, deprivation of privileges, telling parents about behavior, etc.) whether the student has already been discussed at pedagogical councils, parent-teacher meetings on the same occasion).


The second part of the memorandum is intended to present conclusions, suggestions, requests to address this situation. For instance; a memorandum on the disruption of the lesson by several students is drawn up; describe in detail the actions of the children and the measures you took in the lesson; conclude that other students are preparing for the lesson and invite the school administration to take measures regarding the behavior of the children who broke the lesson.


Put the date of the note in Arabic numerals on the left side of the sheet, the signature and its interpretation on the right.