What is the correspondence form of study at universities: features, pros and cons

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What is the correspondence form of study at universities: features, pros and cons
What is the correspondence form of study at universities: features, pros and cons

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Correspondence studies are very popular among those who want to get a higher education, but at the same time cannot give all their time to study. Moreover, not all applicants imagine how the process of distance learning is organized, how much time they will study and what kind of diploma they will receive after graduating from university.

How to study in absentia: features of the organization of the educational process

Studying at the correspondence department of the university implies that most of the work students do on their own, and teachers essentially only “direct” them and control the results. Students appear at the university only during the sessions, and the number of class hours they have is very small.

But this does not mean that you can study only during the sessions: during the semester, part-time students must independently do and submit written work to teachers in all subjects - control, essays, independent research, and so on. Once a year (most often from the second year) a term paper is also handed over. Most often it is necessary to work on it completely independently.

If the student did not pass the work on time, he or she may not be allowed to take exams. Requirements for the work depend primarily on the teacher - someone takes them "for show" (especially when it comes to general subjects), and someone seeks serious work from students to study the subject. In this case, the work can be voluminous and time-consuming, and their implementation will require more than one day.

Formally, the work must be submitted in accordance with the curriculum throughout the semester. They are handed over to the dean’s office, to the department, sent to the teacher’s email - the form can be set both by the university and by the teacher himself. However, external students quite often make "concessions" and are allowed to bring work directly to the session.

In some universities, distance learning is organized using distance technology. In this case, part of the educational process goes to the Internet. Forms can be very different - submission of work through personal accounts on the university’s website, offsets in the form of electronic testing, conferences with a teacher on Skype, and so on.

The distance learning curriculum provides for the passage of practice (at least undergraduate). Students working on a profile often pass it at their place of work.

In the final year, correspondence students, like students of other forms of study, pass state exams, write and defend a diploma.

What is an installation session

The installation session is held for first-year students at the very beginning of training (usually in September or October). It can be called "orientation" - no exams or tests are taken at this time, students get to know each other, with teachers, with subjects that they will study in the first semester. Also at this time, a number of administrative issues are being resolved - such as the issuance of student records; registration in the university library and obtaining textbooks; election or appointment of headman and so on.

During the installation sessions, lectures and workshops are held in all subjects that are to be taken in the winter session. Classes for each course usually begin with an organizational introduction, during which the teacher:

  • talks about the form in which the exam or test will be taken;
  • Explains what tests or essays will need to be done and passed during the semester;
  • gives a list of topics that will need to be mastered and questions for the exam;
  • acquaints with the basic and additional literature on a course;
  • stipulates how and in what form you can contact him for advice in case of questions.

Many correspondence students consider installation lectures to be optional (especially since there are usually no “sanctions” for missing them). But it’s better not to skip. In these classes, teachers usually make it quite clear what level of requirements will be presented to the tests and answers on the exam, focus on the important questions for the course, etc. And knowledge of all these subtleties will ultimately save time on preparation.

The duration of the installation session is usually one to two weeks.

When and how are sessions held by external students

Sessions by correspondence students, like students of other forms of study, usually take place twice a year. Typically, this is a winter and summer session. The specific dates are determined by the university and may vary in different educational institutions. But most often, correspondence students are collected for study in January and June, at the same time as the sessions with full-time students take place. For a university, this is most convenient. After all, the attendance of full-time students to the session means that they appear at the university only on the days of exams and come to consultations. Accordingly, classrooms are freed up, and teachers have time to work closely with correspondence students.

The average duration of a session in correspondence is 3 weeks, in senior courses - up to four. The fact is that under the law, working part-time students are entitled to paid study leaves for the duration of the session, while for 1-2 year students their duration is no more than 40 days per calendar year, for older students the "quota" increases to 50 days. Accordingly, universities have to fit into this framework.

The session at the external students takes place very intensively. It includes:

  • lectures and consultations on subjects studied during the past semester;
  • passing exams and tests;
  • installation classes in subjects to be taken in the next session.

The schedule is usually very tight. Passing, for example, three exams per week is not uncommon, while there are no free days for self-study in the schedule, and classes can be set for weekends too. Therefore, those who are accustomed to postpone preparation for the last night will have a hard time: when exams and tests are passed practically without interruptions, there will be no possibility to sleep off after the tests.

How many years study in correspondence

Compared to full-time students, part-time students, of course, devote less time to study - and the curriculum takes this into account. Therefore, the pace of mastering the higher education program for external students is lower, and the duration of training is longer. As a rule, five years are allocated to correspondence students for the undergraduate program, which the "diaries" master for four years. At the same time, those who study on the basis of a specialized technical school and already have knowledge, in some cases, can study under the accelerated program and “finish” a year earlier.

At the second higher education, subjects already completed at the first university are re-read - therefore, such students can also often shorten their studies by one year, and in some cases even by two. Thus, upon receipt of the second higher education in absentia, the duration of training can be from 3 to 5 years.

Tuition fees for correspondence courses

Correspondence students are within the walls of the university only during the periods of the session and work mainly on their own - respectively, and the "cost" of their training is much lower. Therefore, the cost of training is much lower - usually part -time students pay 2-3 times less per semester than full-time students.

You can find out how much distance education costs at your chosen university by calling the admissions office or in the section for applicants on the university’s website.

Is it possible to study in absentia for free

Higher education in absentia on a budget basis is possible - according to the same rules as in full-time or part-time departments. Only those who have not yet exercised the right to receive a “tower” at state expense can apply for free seats. That is, people who either graduate for the first time or have previously studied on a contract basis.

Despite this, it is quite difficult to enter the budget in absentia. Just because most of the budget places in the country's universities are full-time students, and second-year students are in the second place. And even in large state universities, the budget set for correspondence courses may be minimal - or absent altogether. And it is far from always possible to find a place where they train on the budgetary basis in the required specialty. And even if it succeeds, competition for a few free places can be very high.

Is it possible to study in absentia after grade 11

For correspondence studies there are no restrictions - the first higher education can be obtained in any form, and all graduates with a certificate of complete secondary education (or a technical school diploma or diploma) can apply for correspondence. In the epoch of the USSR, it was possible to enroll in “absenteeism” only if one had an official place of work, but now this is also not mandatory. What a student does outside the walls of the university is his own business.

However, applicants for absenteeism after the 11th grade do not always feel comfortable: after school, with its constant supervision, it is rather difficult to study in a form that implies independent organization of the educational process. In addition, most classmates are likely to be significantly older and more experienced.

What are the benefits of a working part-time student?

The list of benefits that the employer is obliged to provide part-time students is listed in article 173 of the Labor Code, and it is quite extensive. It:

  • paid study leave for the duration of the sessions (40 days a year for 1-2 courses, 50 days starting from the third year);

  • paid leave for up to 4 months to prepare for final certification (passing state examinations and protecting a diploma);

  • once a school year - payment by the employer of travel to the place of study and back;
  • in the last year - a working week reduced by 7 hours, and the time exempted from work is paid in half.

All statutory privileges are provided only if the university has state accreditation, and the student successfully masters the program (that is, does not have “tails”).

However, in practice, extramural students rarely use labor benefits in full, because this reduces their competitiveness in the labor market. The only exception is situations when the employer himself sent them to study, who is interested in this person and is ready to put up with the inconvenience caused by the absence of an employee at work for quite some time.

What diploma is issued after correspondence

Despite the fact that many are confident that it is impossible to obtain full knowledge in absentia, this way of obtaining knowledge is absolutely legal and "full". Correspondence students who have successfully mastered the curriculum receive the same diploma of higher education as all other students. At the same time , the form of training is not indicated in the diploma itself - this information, with the consent of the student, is entered only in the insert. With such a diploma, you can occupy positions that require an appropriate level of qualification; enter the magistracy for any form of training; to enter the second higher and so on.

Correspondence students also have the right to receive a red diploma, but in practice this happens quite rarely. Just because, nevertheless, the majority combines studies with full-time work, and in such a situation it is difficult to demonstrate only excellent knowledge for five consecutive years.