What you need to know to pass the exam in mathematics

What you need to know to pass the exam in mathematics
What you need to know to pass the exam in mathematics

Video: How to Pass Math Exams | Evan Edinger 2024, July

Video: How to Pass Math Exams | Evan Edinger 2024, July

The exam in mathematics is one of the most difficult exams that students have to pass. Preparation for it is fraught with a number of difficulties, because it is necessary to repeat and assimilate material for the entire school curriculum.

Instruction manual


In the first place is arithmetic. It is it that allows you to normally study other school sections of mathematics. If the student is not able to perform the simplest arithmetic, then passing the exam will fail even from the first tasks. Ideally, if a student can solve not only simple equations, but also complex inequalities, systems, and more.


To get a high score, knowledge in the field of geometry must be at its best. As in other areas of the exact sciences, complex knowledge is directly dependent on simple, so you need to start the repetition from the very beginning. Definitions are best memorized. This will help not only to find the optimal solution in a difficult situation, but will also help to better understand the theory.


Textbooks for grades 7, 8, and 9 can be easily obtained at the school library. First you need to understand the basic concepts, such as a point, line, ray, and so on. Then study the theory, properties, and rules. Tasks must be solved without fail, with at least ten to each section. This will not take much time, but will allow you to master the material well enough.


Another important component of the exam in mathematics is trigonometry. It is involved to a lesser extent, but also greatly affects the result. It takes place mainly in the 10th grade, so it is better to take textbooks precisely for this school period. Many students call this branch of mathematics difficult and this is true, so more attention should be paid to practice.


Beginnings of the analysis are found in some cases, but there are KIMs without them. It is best to also repeat this field of knowledge, at least the main points: derivative, integrals, the simplest analysis of a function, and so on. Particular attention should be paid to the tasks presented in the demo versions, as other alternatives are unlikely to be used.


The problems with parameters and the olympiad tasks presented in Part C are not studied during the school curriculum, so you will have to use additional material to master them. It is best to download real KIMs of past years and solve problems from them. Then take in the library collections of olympiad or simply very complex problems with solutions and study them carefully.


In addition to school knowledge, you need to prepare to fill out the forms. Carefully read the information provided on the official website of the Ministry of Education. Print a few forms and practice filling them out. This will allow you to avoid unnecessary problems directly on the exam.