TOP 10 best books

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TOP 10 best books
TOP 10 best books

Video: The 10 BEST Books I've Ever Read. 2024, June

Video: The 10 BEST Books I've Ever Read. 2024, June

Literary ratings are often compiled and always subjective. Sometimes it seems that they are based on the personal preferences of the employees of the publication, which this rating was. In 2012, a survey was conducted among famous contemporary writers in the UK and the USA, among whom were: Stephen King, Anne Patchett, Norman Mailer and others. They chose the ten most significant works of world literature.

The best works of the XIX century

Jane Austen's Emma takes 10th place.

The book is written in a humorous style and tells the story of a young woman who enthusiastically wraps her acquaintances and neighbors. Emma is completely sure that she herself will never marry, but life presents her with big surprises.

9th place. Fedor Dostoevsky - "Crime and Punishment."

This novel has become a symbol of Russian classical literature, which has been translated into many languages ​​and has been repeatedly filmed. Dostoevsky wrote this novel at a time when he himself was in dire need of money, the plot of the work was taken from the criminal case of Pierre Francois Lasier, a French murderer who believed that society was guilty of his sin.

8th place. Charles Dickens - Great Expectations.

In the center of the plot is the story of an orphan boy who helps a runaway convict, and subsequently his life begins to change. The boy does not know who is his secret benefactor until he is found by Abel Magwich, who returned from an Australian exile.

7th place. Herman Melville "Moby Dick".

A large work, with numerous derogations, which was not accepted and not understood by the public. The novel was recognized only 70 years after its publication.

6th place. George Elliot - Middlemarch.

George Elliott's real name is Mary Ann Evans, an English writer. Her Middlemarch novel is recognized as a masterpiece that beautifully describes the complexities of the human character, the stages of the moral degeneration of the individual.

5th place. Anton Chekhov. Stories.

The author created new moves in literature, greatly influencing the development of the modern short story. The originality of his work lies in the use of the "stream of consciousness" technique, which was later adopted by many modern authors.

4th place. Mark Twain - The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn.

The story of a street boy who, along with the runaway slave Jim, rafts on the Mississippi. Continuation of the novel "Tom Sawyer." Mark Twain was an ardent opponent of racism, which clearly states from the pages of his work.

3rd place. Leo Tolstoy - "War and Peace."

The novel is an epic that tells about the life of Russian society in the era of the war against Napoleon. The greatest work of Russian literature.

2nd place. Gustave Flaubert - "Madame Bovary."

The story of the wife of a simple doctor who makes extramarital affairs, has huge debts in the hope of getting rid of oppressive internal emptiness.

1st place. Leo Tolstoy - "Anna Karenina".

The tragedy of the life of a married woman from high society who challenges him and leaves her husband for a loved one, leaving her son for her love. Deservedly takes first place in this rating.