Why Gerasim drowned Mumu

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Why Gerasim drowned Mumu
Why Gerasim drowned Mumu

Video: Зачем Герасим утопил Муму?/Porque Geracim afoga Mumu? 2024, July

Video: Зачем Герасим утопил Муму?/Porque Geracim afoga Mumu? 2024, July

Turgenev's story "Mumu" does not leave indifferent readers. Everyone, listening to the last lines of the work, if not crying, then at least feels a deep regret, either for Gerasim, a serf janitor, or for Mumu, a harmless mongrel who met her death in the hands of his own master.

Why the reader does not understand Gerasim

When it turns out that after killing his dog, he does not return to the service of the mistress, but escapes to his native village, a deep misunderstanding arises between the reader and the author, expressed in a simple question: "Why did Gerasim drown the unfortunate Mumu?" Indeed, from the outside it seems that this deaf-mute man could have escaped with his beloved pet, since he was not going to remain in the possession of the lady who this animal was so hated. However, the actions of Gerasim can be explained by his feelings. Deep experiences, based on an unfortunate fate, prompted him to commit a tragic murder.