How to learn to formulate thoughts

How to learn to formulate thoughts
How to learn to formulate thoughts

Video: How to Improve your Clarity of Thought ("Writing is Thinking") 2024, July

Video: How to Improve your Clarity of Thought ("Writing is Thinking") 2024, July

The ability to clearly and clearly articulate your own thoughts will be useful to you both in work and in personal life. A person who speaks competently and beautifully stands out among others.

Instruction manual


Read quality literature. Classical works of world literature are the best helpers for a person who has set out to learn how to formulate his own thoughts. By reading more and more, you will feel the author’s language, find your favorite style of writing and understand how to better build sentences and phrases.


Replenish your vocabulary. Without a rich vocabulary, your speech will be short and banal. Look for synonyms for those words that you use most often, try to diversify your speech and make it richer.


Connect with intelligent, educated people. Their correct speech will have a beneficial effect on your writing style. Thanks to an excellent example, you yourself will begin to correctly, fully and vividly express your own thoughts.


Learn new words. If you meet an unfamiliar term, be sure to consult the dictionary. Look at its meaning and learn how the word is used in context. Better yet, make a habit of getting to know a new word every day.


Keep a diary or blog. By constantly expressing your own thoughts, you will get great practice and learn to masterfully write phrases. Hone your ability to argue your point.


Focus on the thought you want to state. It is important to think through it to the end, eliminate distracting factors and get rid of excessive verbosity. Floridness can distract you and the listeners from the main idea or distort the meaning of the phrase you said, and your talkativeness will tire the interlocutor.


Learn the basics of logic. This science will help you express your thoughts. If it is difficult for you to sort out a subject, the scheme will help sort out all the arguments. Learn to think systemically, then it will be easier to express an idea.


Remember the lessons of the Russian language. Compositions and expositions to a large extent helped to master the art of the correct expression of thoughts. Practice writing a review of the movie you like or tell your story in a word from a friend.


Perform the following exercise: take a sentence and rephrase it in several variations. This will help you feel the word and learn how to build phrases.


Get rid of parasite words. They not only spoil your speech, but also interfere with thinking. At the moment when you utter an excess or slang word, you do not just replace the predicate or the subject with it, but actually lose the thread of reasoning. Take care of yourself and speak correctly.