How to study at school perfectly

How to study at school perfectly
How to study at school perfectly

Video: The 9 BEST Scientific Study Tips 2024, July

Video: The 9 BEST Scientific Study Tips 2024, July

Learning at excellent quality is not for the sake of grades. Good grades will help you enter a prestigious university in the budget department, and the acquired knowledge will be useful in life.

Instruction manual


First of all, you need to change the attitude towards the lessons. A lesson is not 45 minutes wasted. At least half of each activity is concentrated useful knowledge. If you take the information in the lesson, not much time will be spent on homework.


Yes, grades do not always reflect the level of your knowledge, but the "fives" greatly simplify life both when entering the institute and in communicating with the family. The first rule of getting good grades is to wait for a good question in the classroom. There are always topics that are closer to you or simply better remembered, and this happens in the study of any subject. In the lesson, when you hear a question on a similar topic, feel free to pull your hand. "Five" is provided.


Always agree to do an abstract or presentation. Finding information on the Internet or books is a good way to sort out the material once again and clarify incompletely understood points, moreover, it is much more interesting than reading a few rather boring paragraphs asked at home. Do not take ready-made texts, there is little sense from them. In addition, the teacher can ask questions.


In no case do not spoil relations with teachers. A friendly teacher can close his eyes to shortcomings or even make a discount; you can try to arrange a transfer of the essay for a day or two with him. But a negatively-minded teacher can find fault not on the case, look for the slightest mistakes and underestimate the grades. But don’t openly crouch in front of teachers, it can set up a class or group against you.


Always do written homework, if you know the topic, it won’t take much time, if you are "swimming" in the lesson, written tasks will help you figure it out. As for oral assignments, if you listened carefully at the teacher’s lesson, it would be enough to leaf through the textbook once or twice on the relevant topic.


If you like to read and do it quickly, be sure to read the given literature in an unabridged form. In literature lessons, it is very noticeable when students answer according to the summary of classics. If you read slowly, read abridged versions, but insure yourself by studying online sources, so you can imagine the text more fully.


But the main secret of good performance is initiative. If you know the topic well, pull your hand, do it as often as possible. This practically guarantees you that at an unnecessary moment (for example, for some reason you did not do your homework), the teacher simply will not ask you and will not spoil your final grade.